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Sunday, June 3, 2012

How to: Have DataPower work with all active WSRR nodes

In one of my projects for a global company it was required to have a WebService Proxy configured by dynamically fetching a WSDL from WSRR. WSRR was installed in "promotion" mode, and all components were installed with at least two active-active nodes to improve availability.

Going from simple to complex - the overall setup of DP working directly with anyone of WSRR nodes by specifying direct DNS or IP address worked fine and WSP was created based on the WSDL stored in WSRR. Next, I have created a Load Balancer Group with both WSRR nodes, added it to XML Manager and specified LBG name in WSRR Subsription URL. Unfortunately, it did not work and the synchronization process stuck. After a short research, I've found out that such implementation wasn't yet supported (firmware

A workaround was to create another WSP which exposed WSRR SOAP WebService
with LBG for the backend. Using this WSP in WSRR Subscription instead of direct WSRR endpoint allowed high availability between DP and WSRR.

Reference Integrating DataPower with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
