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The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Transforming XG45 and XI52 Virtual Appliances to IDG

Are you stuck with XG45 / XI52? Want to benefit from new functionality available only with the new firmware versions (v7.6+), but unable to upgrade? Wish you had IDG instead? Well, the good news are that can have your old virtual appliances IDGed! Just follow the technote which outlines the process of transforming XG45 / XI52 to IDG.

  1. IBM technote
  2. DeveloperWorks forum


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

WebSphere DataPower Weekly Friday Webcast

Each week one of IBM experts provides an overview of a special topic on the IBM WebSphere DataPower platform.

Registration link -

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How to: connecting Mac to DataPower console using serial cable


Sep 30,2019

*** Not yet tested ***

After plugging in the serial-to-USB cable to the Mac, a new device should be added under /dev/
ls /dev/cu.usbserial-*

then you could connectusing:
screen /dev/device baud_rate

No additional software needed.

Feb 1,2019

It seems that the Serial app by decisivetactics provides same capabilities.

Original post

A few years ago I've moved to MacBook Pro as my working laptop. And from the very beginning I've faced the problem of connecting my Mac to DataPower serial port. And since I've been doing around 10-20 DataPower installation a year, you can imagine yourself that it was very annoying. It took me quite a while till I've found a solution (with a help from a friend that works at IBM). So here it is:
  1. Install PL203 driver for Mac from prolific site. That should be pretty straight forward.
  2. As a terminal (instead of PuTTY) I use SerialTools which can be downloaded from the App Store.
You might need to tweak the checkbox based configuration, however down the road it works and does a great job!



  1. Connecting to the serial console of a DataPower Gateway Appliance